IGC: Postdocs
Name Office Phone Office Address Affiliated Center(s)
Hugo Ayala Solares 814-863-9596 206A Osmond Lab CMA
Mukul Bhattacharya 206A Osmond Lab CMA
Maitraya Bhattacharyya 814-863-0165 314 Whitmore Lab CMA
Austin Cummings CMA
Valentin Decoene CMA
Adrián del Río Vega 814-863-0165 307 Whitmore CFT & CTOC
Pedro Espino 321B Whitmore Lab CMA
Mateo Fernandez CMA
Aaron Fienberg 303A Osmond Lab CMA
Amanpreet Kaur 814-863-1937 408 Davey Lab CMA
Ali Kheirandish 320 Osmond Lab CMA
Cameron Langer CFT
Daniel LaRocca 814-865-0150 413 Davey Lab CMA
Edward McDonald CFT
Marco Muzio CMA
William Norledge 814-863-8578 210 McAllister Bldg CFT
Sarah Schon 814-863-0165 314 Whitmore Lab CFT & CTOC
Fei Teng CFT
Leo Tsukada 301D Whitmore Lab CMA
David Woodward 320K Osmond Lab CMA
Vivyan Yan 814-863-5505 514 Davey Lab CMA & CTOC
Bing Zhang CMA

This Week’s Seminars

  • Monday, Primordial Universe and Gravity (PUG) Discussions, 2:30 PM
    Speaker(s): No Speaker until Fall Semester

  • Tuesday, International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar, 10:00 AM
    (Meets every other week)
    Speaker(s): Ivan Agullo, Guillermo Mena, Daniele Oriti
    Title: Panel on LQC

  • Tuesday, HEPAP/CPGA Seminar, 1:30 PM
    Speaker(s): No Speaker until Fall Semester

  • Friday, Cosmology/Fundamental Theory Seminar, 10:30 AM
    Speaker(s): No Speaker until Fall Semester

Current News

David Radice selected as a 2022 Sloan Fellow

The Sloan Foundation has announced that Dr. David Radice, assistant professor of physics and astronomy/astrophysics and member of the IGC, has been selected s a 2022 Sloan Fellow.